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+1 408 797 7822


Let's Meeting at 2021 TISE Live Virtual Event

Jan. 22, 2021


There's a good news for all of you! 2021 TISE Live Virtual Event will start on January 26 and we are in it as a supplier. 

What is the TISE?

Comprised of three world-class tradeshows: SURFACES, StonExpo/Marmomac, and TileExpo events, The International Surface Event (TISE) is the largest North American floor covering, stone, and tile industry event and is THE premier, global reaching industry marketplace for buyers, specifiers, and influencers to purchase products, gain design and trend inspiration, and develop their business strategies. TISE has proudly served the industry for over 30 years, reinvented annually each January with carefully sourced exhibiting brands, crafted content and networking events, and developed show features that are next generation innovative and meet the ever-evolving needs of the industry. As the first event of the year, TISE is perfectly positioned to offer product launch introductions, critical first of the year buying opportunities, and annual networking meetings.

Our new collection- PREMIUM 7 will be highlighted at TISE LIVE. I think you can't miss it if you are interested. It will cost $25 to register as a exhibitor by yourself. But if we invite you, it will be free, so contact us now! Our email is info@spcfloors.cn. Let's Meeting at 2021 TISE Live Virtual Event.